Thursday 29 March 2012

Which area of the film industry (production, distribution, exhibition) do you think new technologies have had the biggest impact on and why?

In my opinion, I think that in terms of how new technologies have changed the face of the media industry, I think that distribution has gone through the biggest change as for a long time the only way you could see films and trailers was via cinema, video and DVD, and on the television. Now, however, in the last ten years, Media conglomerates in conjunction with companies such as Netflix and Lovefilm have started to offer people access to movies in returns or paying a certain sum of money every month at home via their TV, Computers, ITunes, Xbox Live and Playstation Network to name a few. Another thing to note of is Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Theses are useful for companies such as Universal or Paramount as an alternative to designing official websites for their films.